For refugees like Manasvi*, facing the unique challenges of living with a disability, this Gift for Peace offers relief from pain and discomfort, and a chance to regain their independence. Manasvi was born with a physical and mental disability that means she cannot sit up or walk unaided. Our local partner, the Organisation for Eelam Refugee’s Rehabilitation, supported her family a few years ago by providing advice and covering medical expenses, as well as helping to buy Manasvi a wheelchair. With specialised care, refugees like Manasvi can lead fuller lives, pursue their dreams, and be active contributors to their communities.
Our local partner, the Organisation for Eelam Refugee’s Rehabilitation, have supported Sri Lankan refugees living in India since 1984. They run health programs in the camps, focusing on vulnerable community members with the long-term goal of helping refugees return to Sri Lanka with the knowledge and skills to rebuild their lives in their home country.
*Name changed for safety reasons. Photo: Ben Littlejohn/Act for Peace